The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: choice

Do you want it?

It’s a simple question: “Do you want it?” The answer usually isn’t complicated either. It

You can create it

There is this task you’ve done so many times. You’ve trained yourself to do it

Comparing and measuring

Change is always with us. Today is different from yesterday. The change I prefer is

It takes three days

A friend was sharing that he had been walking a lot these last days. For

Against, alone or with

In the process of sharing our work with others, we will find ourselves talking with

Decision making

My guess is, that the decision we make most frequently is the one not to

Being ready

Diplomas and certificates have taught us that there is a moment in time in which

Collecting stamps

Starting in the late nineteenth-century philately was one of the most popular hobbies. Collecting stamps

Find the others

A few years ago I enrolled in the first edition of Seth Godin’s The Marketing

You are not your work

Work is something we do, something we create. We might have been able to raise