The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: change

Caring for change

Change is a result of tension. Tension is the sense of wanting things to be

The knowing belief

As a child, I loved to try things. I wanted to know if I was

Collective Carelessness

Crisis do many things, one of them is teaching. They are moments during which change

The how-to

A question I hear frequently is “how do I do this?” I’ll sometimes also fall

The ease of confinement

Before entering lockdown, people were learning new greeting habits as well as gestures intended to

Focus on the learning

In a regular movement, the paintbrush went back and forth. Spreading the paint in even

The way it’s expected

There she was, frustrated and complaining that she had not been seen. Michelle was sharing

The possible gap

Being used to using video conferences and working from remote made it easier to connect

A turning point

Looking back, we can see how history is a regular flow. When zooming in into