The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: complexity

Boundaries of identification

People have many ways to identify. We’ve been used for decades to identify people via


A sign for a good interface is, that it can be easily understood. It is

Frustration is necessary

Change is a constant. Now is always different from before. Sometimes it’s a subtle difference.

Seemingly irrational

In business, decision making is perceived as something which should be rational. This is especially

The quest for magicians

Sometimes a problem has an easy solution. Most of us will be able to find

Adapting the law

It’s been years that I’ve been hearing complaints that a lot of areas aren’t served

Emotions? What Emotions?

She had received news, that her cancer might be reappearing. Asked how she feels her

Available choices

Going out for lunch with a few friends you take a look at the menu