The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: complexity

Is it relevant?

Remember this button you never used on your camera? What about the feature you never

Living the fairytale

Finding the road to success is a dream lived by a lot of people. It’s

Magical solutions

When deciding how to offer their services, people find tend to prefer a somewhat magical

Taking time to listen

Once people have an idea of how things need to be, they set out to

Context transforms content

When music could only be played live, the places where it could be played determined

Why measure

Science has taught us that truth relies on theories that are proven. And yet, in

When to disagree

The team moved into a debate. They had been talking about the update of their

Expecting acceptance

“They should accept me as I am!” Actually, that’s true. What’s questionable though is what


Of the many resources we have, there is one which is basic: Time. It can’t

The conflict paradox

The best way to create conflict is to seek to avoid conflict. The best way