The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: care

Overlook the meaning

Communication can be difficult. Especially when people seek to temper a conversation and ask for

Being thirsty

These days summer is hot over here, and thirst something we need do pay attention

Spreading change

Marketers seek to make change happen. A tool they’ll use to achieve change is spreading

Fading away

As time passes memories are transformed. The bad ones slowly disappear, the good ones are

Context and content

Regularly, when I’m seeing conversations turn in circles I’m fascinated by the misunderstanding which lead

Dealing with accountability

“What are the measures when they fail?” is one of the most frequent questions when

Avoiding conflicts

One of the basic reasons why people avoid conflicts is their perception of what is

This was perfection

Perfectionism has the tendency to make us believe that things are organized in an either-or