The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

It is an iterative process

A client and I were discussing a page on his website, he wanted to find a better way to share his message while being himself.

As so often, the work we had done on his positioning was now changing how he wanted to address his market. Finding the right wording, gaining clarity in expression is an iterative process. One that never stops!

And yet, it is only when we present our milestones to others that we allow the process to unfold.

When we share our new ideas and make the change in our thinking visible to others they can reflect back to us what they have seen.

That’s when we understand whom they have seen.

And if we are willing to listen and see what they have seen we can choose to adjust. Or not.

That choice is available to us by keeping our objective in mind, taking the time to understand what we are being told, and sensing our ability to take either way.


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