The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: relationship

Effortless Communication?

A sentence I hear often in Germany is “wie kann ich ihn abholen?” Literally “How

Desiring Harmony

When focusing on one’s desire for harmony, it rarely emerges. That’s because much of one’s

The making of the being

One of life’s challenges is to realize how being unique is continuously shaped by one’s

The being and the doing

The work an individual does is not enough to make oneself irreplaceable. It’s who one

The nature of anxiety

Anxiety highlights something that is known and troubling. In doing so, it shifts the target

The attention gap

A moment of most intense attention I remember happened while holding my grandson. He was

New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions have a bad reputation. But actually, that’s most of the time only

The might of multitasking

In a way, we are constantly multitasking. There are enough activities we have learned to

Creating a space to learn

Judgment is one of the biggest challenges to learning. It can be one’s judgment as

Repetitive activities

When it comes to repeating an activity, there are at least two perspectives one can