The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Being prepared

Life comes up with the strangest things. And right now there are many of those things we expected never to happen.

The last two years have been filled with massive learning. That is, if and whenever we let the pandemic teach us something even then when it was more attractive to transform lockdowns into personal lockdowns.

It is change happening in real-time with all the uncertainty that comes with it. But it’s the visibility of the uncertainty that affects most of us. It creates the impression that the change we experience is more unpredictable than ever.

Everyone knows that we can get sick from one day to another. But most of the time we leave it aside as there is no reason, at least from our point of view, that it should hit us.

Everyone knows that a plan we’ve made can disappear from one minute to the other. But it was more convenient to expect that we had everything organized to prevent problems.

Everyone knows that we live in a community that needs our contribution to remain sustainable, that it is by helping one another that problems bigger than us can be addressed. But we’ve hoped that focusing on our self-development would be sufficient.

There is nothing wrong with leaving the idea of becoming sick aside, trusting that our organization would be sufficient, or working on our own development. These are ways we have grown used to applying in normal situations.

What we’ve forgotten is to be prepared that anything can happen to us. That the certainty we’ve been building on doesn’t exist even if trusting it serves us.

Being prepared is not about being ready for any type of event, it is to accept that something new can come up and needs to be addressed when it comes up.

Whenever it is outside of our influence to change what is happening to us, it is our opportunity to remember that how we react to it is our choice.


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