The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

To dream or to be realistic

Establishing the first draft of a plan happens often happens as a solitary task. You have an idea and start describing how to implement it. It’s probably already quite well structured and includes your best description of that idea.

The next step which usually is much more detailed is the one describing how the plan will be implemented.

These are two separate steps. The first one paints what is to be achieved, the second one describes how you’ll get there.

In both cases, you’ll be confronted with the question if you are dreaming something up or are being realistic. Where they differ is in how to find an answer.

Whatever you are trying to achieve will always contain an element of dreaming or hoping.

You can only see what you have achieved after achieving it. Until then you can assess it with information available to you, the fact that it is physically achievable, that you have the partners promising to provide the help necessary and your own confidence to be able to achieve it. All of them can prove to be wrong or right.

But what about the story you tell yourself here? Is it one that pushes your dreams or is it one that reduces them calling it being realistic?

When it comes to implementing the plan, things are different. Implementing the plan leads to implementing the individual steps. The steps usually are very clear and implementation gives immediate results. That’s when reality constantly is at the door. And reality now puts the dream at risk.

What’s the story you are telling yourself now about the next step? This step that could open a door or close another. How sacred is the dream?



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