The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Concerns and Critics

In the 1920s commercial broadcasting appeared. With it, the radio appeared and quickly found its place in many homes, making it a mass medium as quickly as in 1922.

With such fast growth fantasies and ideas as to how it could change the world raised high hopes.

And radio did have a tremendous impact. Just like virtual meetings allowed to substitute traveling during the pandemic, radio allowed to travel to close-by cities as well as far away countries in a time where traveling was slow and tedious. Another example is music, listeners could hear concerts inaccessible to them until then, and musicians found access to a much broader audience.

As usual, whenever something new appears, it didn’t take long until concerns also emerge. It’s the fear that habits would have to change and that existing revenues could disappear.

Today, the habit to listen to the radio or other broadcasted media anywhere has become so natural, that people rarely think about its use and benefits anymore.

It’s normal to have it.

Whenever it changes now, it will take much longer until someone realizes and wonders if it’s useful.

Habits make us forget why we do something.

Taking them for granted we even forget to let them go when they harm us.

Habits are the assumption that what we do is right.

And it stays like that independently from the context in which we find ourselves repeating the habit.


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