The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Category: Relationship

Double door

Change is constantly present. There are the changes which happen over centuries, as for example,

Easy comments

Politicians claim their ambitions. Social media users seek to establish a movement. Elections are held.

The strain of being right

You’ve got two choices when starting a project. One is to be curious about how

Connection economy

As we move further into the connection economy we have to think twice about the

I’ll try

The words we use are important, much less because of the words themselves than because

Astonishing dimensions

The last few days have been filled with intense learning. For the duration of the


According to the Merriam Webster, curiosity is a “desire to know”. They describe it in

Collecting stamps

Starting in the late nineteenth-century philately was one of the most popular hobbies. Collecting stamps

Straight talk

It can be most refreshing to have a discussion allowing to uncover the unsaid. It’s


When exchanging with others we will handle our communication depending on the relationship we have