The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

The world we wish we had

When seeking to make a change happen, we can use a multitude of ways to make it happen. Permission marketing is a way to achieve change with people. The work of the marketer then consists in helping others see possibilities and then work with them once they’ve decided to leap and act. This is possible as long as the change the marketer seeks to make happen is one which is aligned with the change his customers seek to make happen. Both parties align their beliefs and opinions.

When the change someone seeks to make is one which is important to them, one which is linked to their values, we’ll often encounter change-makers who end up trying to make that change happen against or for other people. Going from permission to the other side of the spectrum, we’ll find whistleblowers acting in that area. Instead of aligning their beliefs and opinions, they will act out of their beliefs and opinions, giving them priority of the ones of other people. It’s acting against the defined rules in the hope that one’s action will change what is being done. It’s assuming that one is doing the right thing and will be recognized for it. When the sought change doesn’t happen as hoped for, the work against the establishment continues. After trying to change what the system does by whistleblowing, the next step becomes an effort to show how the rules of the system are flawed.

The lack of alignment of beliefs and opinions between parties leads the conversation away from the initial change intended within the system to a change of the system. With raised stakes, conflict grows and positions become more rigid. With more energy invested in holding one’s position, there is less interest in knowing and understanding the other sides position. Which becomes evident in a more and more confusing conversation focusing on the world both sides wished they had.


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