Is and should
There are two ways to look at the events and things around us. There is
There are two ways to look at the events and things around us. There is
Once someone made up his idea on what the right approach is, it becomes easy
The lumberman was proud. He had just felled a probably 250 years old oak tree.
There are many reasons to listen to someone’s story. All are based on care. Caring
One of the most undervalued elements of good communication is listening. Really listening. And there
When desiring something, it all is still “ahead of us”. A desire being a strong
A standard question to think about the work we’ve been doing is to ask oneself
Something I regularly see in my work is how hard it can be to name
When things disturb us when events happen we don’t like, when life doesn’t do what
One of the difficult steps in creating a product is to step up and share
When exchanging with others an assumption often is, that one is understood exactly as one
As a kid, I did what every kid does. Without realizing what I was doing