The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Being attached

Sometimes people will be attached to a result. They’ll focus on the outcome of the project they are looking for and trying to achieve.

Something I’m noticing is that this attachment grows stronger the less the person knows how to achieve it.

The result to be achieved or their goal seems to be the only thing they can somewhat describe. Which makes it even more important to them as it’s the only connection with their project. For them, the path to achieving that result contains many unknowns. All of which, so they fear, may become insurmountable. Looking away from the fear can be useful to get started. But when looking elsewhere and attending the comfortable parts of the journey become the rule, it leads to a gulf between desire and ability.

What they have not learned yet, is that the better they know the process the less important the imagined result becomes. Knowing the process requires to learn to connect their actions with the context of achieving the result they seek to achieve. It means to see how the part connects with the whole. This takes time to learn. It’s through the learning that they realize that the result they create is the one they are looking for. There is no reason left to stay attached to the imagined result.

What makes some of the learning difficult is that it requires trust in the process as there is no ability to see how the result will come to be. Sticking with the process in such a situation means only see the potential obstacles, feel the discomfort they bring and engage with this discomfort.

It helps to go on that journey with projects where there is only a gap between desire and ability instead of a gulf.


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