The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: learning

Don’t settle

Steve Jobs is supposed to have shared the following: “You’ve got to find what you

Knowing what we know

Much of what we know seems to be something everybody else knows too. We share

The choice we don’t have

In life, some aspects of our identity cannot be changed. Whatever has been an element

From programming to AI

The desire to have one answer one may trust is tremendous. Having that answer would

Effort or suffering?

A problem with quotes is that they are taken out of context. It distorts their

What you are capable of

There is only one way to figure out what one is capable of. It’s doing

The might of multitasking

In a way, we are constantly multitasking. There are enough activities we have learned to

The center of attention

Some love that place, others dislike it. And yet, most people unconsciously assume they’ll reach