A limit can be a separation between two areas.
It can be an end, that is for example what one’s territory is limited by.
It can be a beginning, that is for example where the other person’s territory begins.
There are many ways to perceive a boundary or limit. Whenever it is seen as a separation there is a risk that it is used to only see oneself or only the other. This also means that it becomes a limitation, one establishing a self vs other situation. It is the place where defenses or protection are used to prevent trespassing.
A different way to look at a limit is to see it as a beginning as well as an end. It is the meeting point between the other and the self. The space of negotiation, where respect for the other is a shared ground enabling temporary trespassing through invitation. Where this invitation is allowing for people to connect with one another. Where this happens, there is a good chance to make boundaries flexible. As if they would transform the boundary into a meeting ground with growing space and possibilities. One which after a while becomes a common ground known to both and within which, for example, shared performance can become a default.