The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Thinking is a risky business

Whenever we think, we move into a space of the unknown. It creates uncertainty. We think to discover specific connections between the things which are happening and the consequences which result out of that event.

A child that puts his hand into a flame will retract it because it hurts. But it is only when the child has been able to establish the connection between the hand moving into the flame and the hurt, that it will stop to put his hand into the flame. It’s the combination of the movement and the reflection that creates an experience the child understands. It’s the moment which cause and effect become connected.

As we grow up, thinking becomes more complex. Thinking is still triggered by something which is incomplete or unfulfilled. It can be a project as well as something we haven’t understood yet. Not knowing how to complete this “something” makes thinking uncertain. How is the result going to be found and established? It’s only when the thinking is done, that certainty can set in.

This also means that we have a refuge, a secure place where thoughtful action isn’t necessary. It’s routine or capricious behavior.

Routine are our habits, things we know, things we see ourselves as sure about. It’s the things we’ve done so many times that they don’t need further reflection – so we think.

Capricious behaviors are connected to wishful thinking, it’s our hope and belief that “things can happen just as we want them to happen”. We’ve found these things happen in the past and we want them to continue to happen like that.

With both routine and capricious behavior, we have decided to avoid responsibility for the consequences which result from the present action.

There are times and days where we prefer to avoid doing the math.


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