The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: Transactional Analysis

Making sense

The most common way we are taught to make sense of observation is by taking

Healing, Work, Empathy

Meaning is an interesting concept. Looking at words like healing, work, or empathy, most people

Power games

Most often, the power games we’ll be noticing are the ones where someone who has

It’s the answer

Both of them looked frustrated. They had been sharing ideas and exchanging about the situation.


Michael had been struggling. We had been discussing the three-world-model and he had found it

People are OK

It’s a basic assumption. People are OK. It’s the idea, that with their predispositions, their

Grounding in communication

Communication is a word that has become one that describes everything and nothing. Which makes

Stimulus hunger

René Spitz is known for his research on deprivation experienced by infants. What he found,