The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: strategy

Doing it right

When a political party wins an election the first assumption is that those who gained

It’s hard

It’s supposed to be hard. But that’s not a reason to make it hard. It

He is lying

Sometimes it is quite simple to know if someone is telling a lie. There is

Rules and Norms

Rules define how to play a game. A norm could then be described as the


Every profession has a context that impacts one’s thinking and the approach one has to

Teaching people how to think

Some articles get better every time I read them. Clay Christensen’s “How Will You Measure


The idea of being performant easily comes with the idea of having a vision or

Honest Thinking

In his book “Life is Not a Game of Perfect” Bob Rotella describes 26 rules

The underlying trend

Rohan shared a quote on his blog: “People don’t communicate to each other on social

Surprising conversations

Whenever someone makes a presentation, the speaker will search for ways to gain the audience’s

Trees and forests

Personal development is often seen as an endeavor to transform oneself towards a better version