The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: relationship


On December 2nd, Valérie Giscard d’Estaing died at the age of 94. Born in Germany

Expecting to be understood

It could be the biggest problem with communication: our belief that we are being understood

Expecting trust

A few days ago I had made an appointment seeking to try a new type

What is being said

Leaders often worry about the things they say or want to say. What they forget

Authenticity is dynamic

The more I dig into authenticity the more I like it and the less I

Shared reality

An often found assumption is that we understand what the other is saying. But what

Responsibility overload

Sometimes, team members will make themselves responsible for something independent from their tasks and role.

The ways you can see

When being empathic people seek to see the other. They search for ways to connect

Magical thinking

An exchange on Facebook highlighting what the author perceived as a growing split in society

Trust and consistency

Trust is an anxious partner. It takes its time to join you. And when it