The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: reflect

Losing the storyteller

Over the years, the organization had shifted its activities. No one had noticed. The group

Creating plans

Mick was sharing how he had adapted his plans to his current situation. Since our

Subtle shifts

An interesting question is what to focus on, when people lead teams and when they

Taking the responsibility

Responsibility is defined by the Cambridge Dictionary as “something that it is your job or

Naming, and then?

In July I joined a small cohort in KDVI’s signature group coaching practicum. We are

The discomfort of help

Receiving help doesn’t happen as easily as it seems. The bigger challenge, however, is not

two fields

Right from here to there

Doing the right thing is quite different from doing things right. Both are useful. At

Asking for a solution

During a recent workshop, Mark, one of the participants was keen on learning from his

Assuming a just world

In the 1960’s Melvin J. Lerner conducted seminal work on the belief in a just