The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: learning

Straight talk

It can be most refreshing to have a discussion allowing to uncover the unsaid. It’s

Generous or Selfish?

While generous and selfish may be seen as opposites there is no reason to only

Journey and Result

The journey is the path you take to reach that result. It’s the action you

How to live

One of the things I find easy to do is to explain things which seem

Fighting it creates it

When wanting to avoid something people have a tendency to focus on what is to

Managing a calendar

Blocking time is a piece of advice I’ve been following in and out. In, as

Positive and Positive

Being positive is widely assumed to be a better way to be. It is often

Reflection Script

Last year during summer I participated in the altMBA. It is an intense 4 weeks

Trust the process

When inviting participants to trust the process we ask them to move out of their

The wrong kind of …

When someone develops an idea or sees a concept that worked, it often becomes “the