The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: emotion

Immediate solutions desired

Sometimes people find themselves stuck in a situation without any view on how to solve

Universal stories

What makes a hero’s journey so powerful is that it is made of life stories

Solving the problem

Which problem are you trying to solve? The problem that exists in a given situation

There is resistance

Richard was sharing how difficult it was to have a normal conversation with Jane. Whenever

Enjoying failure

Working with a coachee I was reminded of how important our beliefs are. For him,

Hope and optimism

Jenny had heard about the upcoming changes in her organization and found herself satisfied with


Making one step after the other to achieve goals is a useful approach, but it

mist and light making their appearance

Connecting ambition and team

Metaphors are a great way to simplify ideas without losing any of the complexity. Gabe

The sense of safety

Humans have a deep need for safety. With most immanent dangers for life having disappeared,

Statue of an Indian looking toward city hall in Philadelphia

What we wanted

The past is a source of strength as much as one of frustration. How leaders