The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: emotion

Trust and cooperation

A situation I find myself frequently in is one when colleagues or friends share that

Living with courage

Sometimes we are confronted with seemingly opposing ideas we can’t hold at the same time.

Too easy, too difficult

Some thoughts emerged and it’s an interesting thread to follow up on. There it is.

Someone’s problem

It can be yours. It can be someone else’s. It is that person’s problem. When

When illusions fall apart

Illusions are what people use to feel safe about something they don’t know or don’t

Developing meaning

Often, we’ll find ourselves in situations that we cannot make sense of. At first, the

A heartbreaking moment

Ulrich Wickert, a well-known German anchorman, who is now in his 80s often explained that

Awareness and spontaneity

Stephen Covey once said: “Our ultimate freedom is a function of our decisions, not our

From investment to attachment

Whenever people envision a result, they can become attached to achieving it. However, an attachment

The color of perfection

When diving into your idea of perfection, where is it located? What is it that