The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: emotion

Why people make jokes

Not too long ago I participated in a general assembly. While the event wasn’t very

Considering frustration

Leaders can find themselves confronted with frustration. Their own as well as the one expressed

The truth and the dynamic

It’s easy to have an interpretation of the situation or other people’s behavior. Most often

Reduce the irrelevant

One may assume that everything is relevant, and it’s true. But not always. It is

Getting started

There are these moments when a feeling emerges that something isn’t as it should be.

Failures and achievements

There are no achievements without failures. But most often, people forget failures along the way.

The tipping point

There always is a point when something that seems good will become too much of

Holding on

When people hug one another, they start with an embrace, hold on to one another,