The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: change

Living the fairytale

Finding the road to success is a dream lived by a lot of people. It’s

Having impact

It’s impossible to change something that has happened. But it is possible to see what

Context transforms content

When music could only be played live, the places where it could be played determined


Of the many resources we have, there is one which is basic: Time. It can’t

Leverage to change others

The first option most people see when it comes to changing a situation is to


Such a large subject and a just as vast emotion. Last Thursday I drove across

Change requires acceptance

Whenever you seek to make a change happen, your starting point is acceptance. By accepting

Stability and Change

During our training today we did an interesting exercise. The goal was to train our

Inviting shame

During the lifetime of a group, tension is a natural event. It happens because of

Frustration is necessary

Change is a constant. Now is always different from before. Sometimes it’s a subtle difference.

Trust requires effort

Doing the right thing and controlling things quickly become a toxic mixture when institutions seek