The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: care

Coming and going

During a recent exchange, a friend shared his traveling plans and how this would involve

Video challenge

When you are on a video conference call, try to look straight into the other

Knowing what you do

Mike Cannon-Brookes is a successful entrepreneur. Together with his business partner Scott Farquhar, he founded

On being useful

When designing a machine, a process, a product the point is to make it useful.

Reframing Failures

What if all the events which don’t turn out exactly as hoped for would people’s

Caring for change

Change is a result of tension. Tension is the sense of wanting things to be

Hedgehog’s dilemma

Using hedgehogs Arthur Schopenhauer drew a metaphor on the relationship individual have with others in

Collective Carelessness

Crisis do many things, one of them is teaching. They are moments during which change