Hurry up
All of us have some standard rules with which we aim to connect with the
All of us have some standard rules with which we aim to connect with the
When children experiment and explore the world they often seem to be in danger. The
One of the basic reasons why people avoid conflicts is their perception of what is
In 1972 Taibi Kahler developed a concept of four Myths. It describes beliefs people hold
The film Apollo 13 coined the sentence “Houston, we have a problem” and made it
Knowing a few languages, I love the opportunity to switch to another language to ease
Remembering things requires an effort. Without much effort, we have a tendency to forget a
There are emotions which cannot live aside one another at the same moment. Others can.
Perfectionism has the tendency to make us believe that things are organized in an either-or
Change is constantly present. There are the changes which happen over centuries, as for example,
Managing change means two things at the same time. It’s the acceptance, that the situation
Describing the “What, Why, Who and How” of a plan allows to give oneself a