The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: awareness

Attached to being right

What happens if you aren’t right? Sure, it depends on the situation. But really? You

Context and content

Regularly, when I’m seeing conversations turn in circles I’m fascinated by the misunderstanding which lead

The first impression

In today’s mail, I found an invitation for an “all new live webinar training”. Reading

Fears, Needs, and Motivation

One of the aspects making self-awareness a challenge are habits. Habits include things we are

Enjoying your work

Not too long ago I attended a presentation by Jose-Luis Alvarez on “The Power and

Hurry up

All of us have some standard rules with which we aim to connect with the

It’s forbidden

When children experiment and explore the world they often seem to be in danger. The

Avoiding conflicts

One of the basic reasons why people avoid conflicts is their perception of what is

Houston, we have a problem

The film Apollo 13 coined the sentence “Houston, we have a problem” and made it

Accepting or adapting

Knowing a few languages, I love the opportunity to switch to another language to ease

Things we don’t forget

Remembering things requires an effort. Without much effort, we have a tendency to forget a