The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Settling with priorities

Leaders become visible through their ability to prioritize. They choose among the available options and let go of those that don’t match their priority.

For some, it is choosing that is difficult, for others it is letting go of the other options that is the challenge.

But this visibility often only becomes available at a later stage.

At the beginning, there are assumptions as to what is possible, then there are the expectations that seem to come from society. And most often the expectations towards self are the most difficult to gauge. They live in a space between hope and duty.

Solutions are thought to be found in tools, methods, or discipline.

While that may be possible, it still requires the ability to calibrate the chosen tasks with the time available.

That’s what priorities help with.

However, beyond time, there is a limiting factor. It is the willingness to explore priorities, become acquainted with how they feel, or work to then decide on them.

Priorities are criteria, not the outcome. And the outcome remains uncertain thus impacting priorities.

It is an exploration that requires intent.


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