The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: attention

Making things better

Making things better often remains a broad idea of “making things better.” In that situation,

Being humble

During the last few days, I’ve had the chance to observe young leaders going through

Better is more

More is not better. Don’t expect more to do much good once it is enough.

Creating the problem

One of the things golf teaches is to let go of something that didn’t work.

Keep pursuing your dreams

This isn’t an invitation to make your dream happen. That is to be focused on

Really listening

A crucial element in Barack Obama’s decision-making process is his willingness to really listen to

The locus of attention

It is not possible to constantly pay attention to everything when working on a task.

The repetition learning curve

An important part of the execution is the preparation. It’s gathering the information available; it’s

Sharing the stage

When doing a presentation one can stick to one’s habits with the desire to be

People are good

In transactional analysis, we use the notion of an ok-ok relationship. The idea is to

Risk or Recognition

Most people like feeling useful. And when they are, they appreciate being seen as such.