There are quite a few things we can only learn by ourselves. It doesn’t matter what others share or explain, it still requires a leap no one else than us can do.
Most of these learnings are connected with confidence. Actually, they lead to it. But the way people often see them is that they require confidence.
By putting what is hoped for as a prerequisite, things become complicated.
Even more so, as the result that is then aimed for comes along loaded with expectations of how things should feel and what should be achieved.
The main problem seems to be how we deal with information.
The most basic error naturally is to forget about getting some information first and assuming that the information one has is sufficient. It’s for example taking for granted that feelings of discomfort are a sign that things are not ok. Or assuming that work needs to feel strenuous and has to be hard to be valuable.
That’s confusing knowing with believing.
Another issue is to look at how others do things and to start comparing oneself. Would it be done to collect information to learn how others do it and what they needed to do to get there, it certainly would be useful. However, most often the comparison is based on what is visible and overlooks what is invisible. It is forgetting about the context within which the performance takes place.
That’s confusing learning with competition.
What is also often overseen, is how some of our experiences seem to imply that they are already complete. It is the thought that comes up and seems to be brilliant. It is the feeling that seems immutable. It is the movement that seems to be natural. All of them are a moment within the journey. One can see them as personal brilliance instead of taking it also as the doorway to learning.
That’s confusing inspiration with achievement.
The moment we start to engage with them, we’ll notice how incomplete they are. By letting this happen the need for confidence suddenly falls away. By stepping into it and letting oneself learn from the experience, confidence starts to grow.
Easier said than done.
Practice is underestimated.