Posts about context

When seeking to belong we tend to look at the group we want to belong …

When people set out to be positive and contribute with the good things they are …

It sounds like a question that can easily be answered. We all have met and …

At lunch, a friend shared how her relationship at work had changed over the last …

A key to learning is transmission. While it is a mutual act it isn’t always …

The acts of protecting or defending oneself are quite similar. They both intend to help …

A very human reaction is to search for shortcuts. It’s normal as our brain is …

When someone shares that he is selfish, my experience is, that it rarely is the …

Language provides us with words like often, many, much, big, long, etc. What it doesn’t …

Every idea that comes to existence is based on something that already exists. It’s by …

Once you’ve learned to connect two dots it’s difficult to imagine that once they weren’t …

She had received news, that her cancer might be reappearing. Asked how she feels her …