Posts about context

There are multiple ways to seek to know the truth. It’s pretty rare to get …

A friend was sharing that he had been walking a lot these last days. For …

Whenever we think, we move into a space of the unknown. It creates uncertainty. We …

A few years ago I enrolled in the first edition of Seth Godin’s The Marketing …

I regularly am confronted with a preference to get it done over understanding how it …

There are so many ways to appreciate the work we’ve done or events we are …

Exchanging with one another serves as many purposes as there are humans on this planet. …

As we go through life we tell ourselves stories, about others, about ourselves, about life. …

The energy we put into attention can serve different tasks. We can opt for being …

Some sentences are a story in themselves. A sentence like “make it great again” tells …

Managing time is a strange idea. Maybe I shouldn’t understand it verbally. But what is …

As professionals, we have a work ethic. We know what is important in our work. …