Negative and positive permissions
While investigating the subtle difference between liberty and freedom I was also confronted with the
While investigating the subtle difference between liberty and freedom I was also confronted with the
When setting out to persuade someone else, the basic aim is to change the other
When talking about communication, the most frequent quest is that it needs to be better.
One of the big challenges we encounter is to figure out what our responsibility is.
Defining one’s position is hard. It requires to know what we stand for and to
Encountering new ideas leads to a variety of reactions. They range between idealizing and rejection.
Regularly, when I’m seeing conversations turn in circles I’m fascinated by the misunderstanding which lead
One of the aspects making self-awareness a challenge are habits. Habits include things we are
All of us have some standard rules with which we aim to connect with the
There is a path which starts with discomfort, passes by avoidance to finally reach drama.
Knowing a few languages, I love the opportunity to switch to another language to ease
There are emotions which cannot live aside one another at the same moment. Others can.