Posts about belonging

There are many situations in which the right thing to do doesn’t have a unique …

“A critical task of science is to provide clear nomenclature – precise terms that sharpen …

One of the main drivers of today’s culture is speed. To some extent, this is …

When people see a story happening, there is a natural inclination to make sense out …

Meetings often allow seeing when there is a lack of clarity in the objectives. That’s …

Recently a participant shared how strange it had felt to be paid a different amount …

There are two ways to look at the events and things around us. There is …

Once someone made up his idea on what the right approach is, it becomes easy …

The lumberman was proud. He had just felled a probably 250 years old oak tree. …

There are many reasons to listen to someone’s story. All are based on care. Caring …

One of the most undervalued elements of good communication is listening. Really listening. And there …

When desiring something, it all is still “ahead of us”. A desire being a strong …