The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Year: 2020


A client had been preparing for a job interview and was seeking to meet expectations.

From change to transition

These times are full of learning. There is no day like the other. That is


Languages come with a way of thinking, our individual use of a language is biased

What is being said

Leaders often worry about the things they say or want to say. What they forget

That’s right

Could you live with the idea that most questions have more than one answer? Would


One of the essential ingredients to do our work is faith. It needs faith to

Authenticity is dynamic

The more I dig into authenticity the more I like it and the less I

Love and Law – look twice

Children start their life learning love. First, it is a sense of unconditional love. Growing

Shared reality

An often found assumption is that we understand what the other is saying. But what

The whole and its parts

The way people have to perceive things transforms their wellbeing as well as their relationships.