The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Year: 2020

Lifelong Learning

Many of the things children learn happens intuitively and unconsciously. They go with the flow

What do you want?

That’s a perfect question for someone who sells ice cream. The choice is laid out

Problem orientation

A lot of times looking at solving a problem means focusing on that problem. Methods


On December 2nd, Valérie Giscard d’Estaing died at the age of 94. Born in Germany

Expecting to be understood

It could be the biggest problem with communication: our belief that we are being understood

Basic assumptions

In every culture, there are ideas no one questions. They are basic assumptions this group

It can be effective

A friend and I were organizing ourselves to meet virtually. We had had a small

Learning pleasure

Protecting oneself and others from spreading a virus by using masks has now become an

Holding on to being right

Sometimes, the best thing we can do in a conversation is to step back and

Expecting trust

A few days ago I had made an appointment seeking to try a new type