The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Use the horizon

Goals exist in a great variety. It’s actually difficult to treat them all alike.

Some are tangible, some are measurable, and some will never be reached.

They serve different purposes. Nevertheless, they all have one thing in common: They can give us a sense of direction and contribute to structuring our activities.

They all can also enable a sense of satisfaction as we see ourselves progress toward our goal.

A lot of goals address qualities we want to develop for ourselves. And when they do one can almost always assume that developing this quality is linked to the desire to master something we know that can’t be mastered.

It’s accepting that the goal one sets for oneself is located somewhere on the horizon. It will never be reached and doesn’t need to be reached.

It’s the journey to this goal that is relevant. That is, how one engages in the process of learning that this goal asks us to engage in.

Knowing that the goal is on the horizon frees us from the necessity to reach the goal and creates space to learn from and through our experience.

It may sound like an endless story, but it isn’t. It is a choice. It is an engagement into the endless opportunities to know more about the quality one wants to develop. It is taking a regular look at what one is learning and linking it with the goal that waits on the horizon.

Most crafts allow for such a journey. Learning to live with our values too.


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