The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

They are variations

You can try to repeat an experience.

You can decide to observe every experience.

Repetition becomes a form of comparing experiences. What was is being compared with what is. There is hope that the feedback generated may serve to recreate the original experience.

Observing becomes a way to learn and see something different every time one reengages in an experience. If one sticks with observing, there will always be a new variant. An unseen detail, an unfelt sensation, a new thought.

In the former, comparing serves to limit one’s experience. In the latter, observation serves to change the experience.

A difference between both is the existence of judgment.

That’s not to say that judgment will always be inappropriate. It simply says that judgment can be in the way of experiencing a situation in all available richness.

Which may be why we sometimes prefer to limit ourselves.


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