The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: responsibility

Decision making

My guess is, that the decision we make most frequently is the one not to

Hesitating? Go for it.

The morning when your running group is starting a movement of “sorry, I can’t be

The impact of one

The internet gave us a voice we never had before. It’s a voice that caries

Helping others

A lot of people want to help others. A lot of people want to receive

Responsibility and influence

Sometimes clients struggle with their wish to create the solutions they want to have. In

It’s uncomfortable

A conversation with your partner you don’t look forward to. Making an appointment with the

Culture provides excuses

Some common excuses which seem to be universally accepted: “I have no time” “I have

Running to get it done

Often speed comes with overwhelm.   You’ll meet people doing an excellent job. You’ll see

Shifting perspectives

When dealing with a group of individuals, one of the challenging tasks is to know


You’ve been having an interesting conversation and then it somehow changes. There is this detail

I could do more

One of the ways we get ourselves in trouble is by looking at what we