The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: relationship

Boundaries and balance

Searching for balance means to search for equilibrium. It’s the search for a state where

Adding more light

As it is difficult to see without light we’ll be adding light when there isn’t

Doing the work together

There are seven of us. All being quiet and sitting in front of our work.

Hopes and judgments

Often times we’ll hope for someone to behave or be like we’d want them to

Set out to find the others

Napoleon Hill said, “No mind is complete by itself. It needs contact and association with

Generosity is a choice

  Generosity can mean to look away and forget what happened.   Generosity can mean


When thinking about a reset in computer terms, it means to restore a system to


When coaching others and helping them to find their way to do things I found

The smell of the place

Years ago, at the World Economic Forum, Prof. Sumantra Ghoshal presented the idea of the

Inside and outside

When seeking to belong we tend to look at the group we want to belong

Needing or Wanting

People who love to help find themselves limited by the help they give. The movement

Biology will not go away

Human beings are wired to be in groups. It’s biology. A family of three is