The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: relationship

Telling your story

When you are telling a story, what is it for? Most of the time, people

Sharing competence

Team members all have learned their craft in their own way. Even if they copy

The doing ideal

No doubt, things need to be done and one of the tasks of leadership is

A sense of safety

As part of the world question themselves how to slowly loosen the lockdown measures, fear


If I were to wish for anything I should not wish for wealth and power,

The unexpected and the expected

As lockdown progresses across the world, diversity once again becomes visible. Watching the news we

Context, tasks, and style

When organizing their work, teams find themselves in a situation in which they have to

Power games

Most often, the power games we’ll be noticing are the ones where someone who has

Following the crowd

In any group, a sense of “people like us” will establish itself. The way a

Choosing a point of view

People are ok. They are born with a constructive approach. They do what feels right