The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: process

Dealing with hierarchy

The most challenging thing with hierarchy is to stick to it. When power is being

Learning by doing

Learning something new involves learning theory and becoming able to apply. When we seek to

Three seconds

How much time will you wait for an answer? How much time do you give

Winning the game

Games come along with a set of rules and a challenge. The rules are there

The One Hour question

Over the last weeks, I’ve been observing how people react to the question “how could

Expecting guidance

A team can expect guidance from its leader. That’s what a leader is for. What

Opportunities and results

Where we are is the result of the many experiences we’ve made until now. How

Tense and ease

Christmas time is a period of the year during which the lack of alignment between

Context transforms content

When music could only be played live, the places where it could be played determined