The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: process

Starting somewhere

In a recent group meeting, a participant talked about his project. The group gathered some

Almost there

Receiving recognition is, for many, a challenge. Even more so, when they are embarked on

Emotional awareness

Sometimes people are taught, that there are good and bad emotions. Love for example would

Power plays

It is inevitable to regularly find ourselves in power plays. People will not necessarily aim

Shared but not all the way

Once we connect with our emotions, we connect with something universal. Everyone has times in

Going back to essentials

There is no shortage of leadership theories or definitions telling us how to be a

Changing the lens

There is process and there are results. The process is what gets us from one

Waiting for the miracle?

Making a plan is what people do to define the future. The plan tells us

Transitional space

When something ends, something new begins. This is true for any situation. We lose something

Dependable relationships

As we continue to move through the pandemic one of the subjects I continue to

Involving others

When making a decision there are two moments to involve others. One is while making