The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: learning

Being attached

Sometimes people will be attached to a result. They’ll focus on the outcome of the

nature and physics

Enabling others

Among many things, Richard Feynman is also known for his learning technique. Feynman understood the

The rear viewing mirror

Solutions don’t exist until they are implemented.            

The Earth is flat

When designing a curriculum one of the questions appearing is if the learning will allow

Position and action

When we show up, it is with the things we do. It is what others

Learning about Leadership

Reading some tweets, here and there I felt the need to gain a deeper understanding

Solving problems

The main problem with problems is not solving them, it is identifying the problem. Basically

La rentrée

Most of my life I’ve considered the year to start in January and end in

Using subjective experience

The experiential learning theory developed by David A. Kolb takes its roots in the works

Learning is easy

That is, learning becomes easy, once people let go of the idea that learning is