The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: learning

Living the fairytale

Finding the road to success is a dream lived by a lot of people. It’s

Adaptable and Flexible

Both, adaptable and flexible are abilities people need. They are similar in the sense that

Role basics

In any given role, there are three things we need to pay attention to if

Taking time to listen

Once people have an idea of how things need to be, they set out to

Nuances lead to meaning

When exchanging with someone else it helps to learn to see the world from their

Leverage to change others

The first option most people see when it comes to changing a situation is to

Digital relationships

During the last three years, I’ve had multiple occasions to establish “digital relationships”. Sure, I’ve

To be or to use

When we learn a method, we usually learn how to use it. What this helps

Learning the words

A key to learning is transmission. While it is a mutual act it isn’t always

How many are many?

Language provides us with words like often, many, much, big, long, etc. What it doesn’t