The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: learning

How do you know?

Sometimes I’ll just take for granted that what someone else is saying is their truth.

Planning ahead

Working toward a dream can take a lifetime. And sometimes it’s only in retrospect that

The tyranny of good and bad

One of the easiest categorizations is to perceive a situation or a person as good

Questions or answers?

I once was responsible for the operations of an IT system that had a quite

a stranded boat


An important reminder about beginnings is, that it is a beginning. It isn’t the end.

Statue of an Indian looking toward city hall in Philadelphia

What we wanted

The past is a source of strength as much as one of frustration. How leaders

The skills of a photographer

There is something special about activities like playing golf or making photos. Both invite an

The willingness to learn

A while ago I had the opportunity to work with a team where almost everyone

Asking for help

A skill worthwhile learning is the one to ask for help. And it’s less evident

Serving the team

Sometimes leaders search for ways to be close to their teams and do so to