The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: generosity

Taking up a craft

Mike was hesitant, could he call himself a pianist? John asked himself, am I a

The One Hour question

Over the last weeks, I’ve been observing how people react to the question “how could

A difficult skill

One of the most challenging skills for people is to trust. It leads to simple

Expecting guidance

A team can expect guidance from its leader. That’s what a leader is for. What

The default option

The sign on the door read “entering forbidden”. Its subtitle read “only for staff with

Economy and Reciprocity

Every relationship needs reciprocity. But reciprocity in a relationship isn’t about you give me this

You, us and I

When building a relationship the question often is on whom to focus. Some will focus

Saying thank you

Saying thank you is something I easily do. Receiving a thank you on the other

The lost task

When talking about communication, the most frequent quest is that it needs to be better.