The whole and its parts

The whole & its parts

Tag: emotion

Feeling isn’t meaning

In a recent session, Georgina shared how Phil had become a problem to the team.

Vulnerability and a myth

Judith is a client I’ve had the pleasure to observe a few times in her

Difficult decisions

On a cognitive level, people know that there is no guarantee that a decision will

When why makes sense

The team seemed to be worried. They were meeting to move a project forward they

Emotional investment

Stan was sharing how much energy one of his employees is costing him. It was

They can’t be avoided

Choices. Change. Emotions. However, it is possible to decide if they happen to us or

Seeking comfort

The comfort zone is a widely used idea. It serves as a reminder that to

Finding Acceptance

The idea of acceptance is one of these concepts that take a lifetime to master.

Within your control

In principle, there is only very little that is within our control. The ability to

Assuming knowing

There is no big difference between assuming one knows, making shortcuts, or being judgmental. It